Seja Bem-Vindo(a) à Casa da Granja! - RNAL nº 91578/AL

Terms of Use and Booking Conditions

When using or visiting the Site hosted at (“Site”) or any of the information, data files, written text, graphics, links, audio files or other sounds, photographs, videos or other images (together, “Content”), resources and services, (together “Services”) available through it, you are consenting to and accepting the Terms of Use and Booking Conditions, the privacy and data protection policy available in the Privacy Policy.

Through the Site, Casa da Granja gives the User access to the Services. The Services, including updates, developments, new tools and/or new web properties, are subject to these Terms of Use.

Casa da Granja reserves the right to change these Terms of Use at any time, without prior notice, and the User is solely responsible for verifying and complying with them at each use. It is expressly prohibited to access the Services and Content for purposes other than those for which the Site is intended, including legal purposes or any other purposes that may harm the image of Casa da Granja. The usurpation and counterfeiting of contents, illegitimate identification and unfair competition are punishable by crimes. It is also strictly prohibited to post viruses or any other file that could damage the Site.

Rights and obligations of Casa da Granja
Casa da Granja reserves the right to:
Modify, add or remove portions of the Terms of Use;
Modify or terminate the Services for any reason and without prior notice at any time;
Modify, replace, refuse access to the Site and Services, suspend or discontinue them, partially or totally. These changes will take effect from their placement on the Site or from the date of sending any communications

Limitation of Liability
To the extent permitted by applicable law, Casa da Granja does not assume any responsibility towards the user for:

Any damage resulting from:

Any changes that Casa da Granja may make to the services or even the permanent or temporary cessation of these services (or any functionality of the Service);

The deletion, corruption or storage error of any content or other communications data maintained or transmitted through the Services;

Violation (direct or indirect) of these Terms of Use

In the event that the User does not agree, in part or in full, with these Terms of Use of the Site or Services, he has only the possibility to stop using the Site or the Services, as applicable, and demand the cancellation of the your user account.

The characteristics of Casa da Granja and its rooms are those mentioned in the reservation. However, taking into account that the photographic contents on the Site were not made when the Customer made the reservation, there may be significant differences between the photograph and the reality at the time of the contracted by the Customer, which do not entitle the Customer to any modification of the Contract.

Prices and Rates
The prices shown on the Site refer to the base capacity of each accommodation. The base capacity of each room is defined according to the number of existing beds. If you make a reservation for more people than the accommodation's base capacity, an additional cost will be charged for placing an extra bed. The price of the stay to be paid by the client is the consideration for making use of the hotel room available, in the period between arrival and departure. The total price of the stay will be charged per night, regardless of whether the client actually made use of the room or spent the night there. Prices shown include breakfast, parking space, Wi-Fi Internet and access to the outdoor swimming pool. Prices differ according to the time the reservation is made. The applicable fees are the agreed prices or the price indicated in the Casa da Granja tariff table in force on the date of signing the contract. Rates for the year 2020 are indicative, values ​​may change. Confirmation of the value for the date of your stay must be made in the reservation area.

Check-in and Check-out times
Casa da Granja will provide, upon arrival of the Client, the room chosen in the selected category, from the date of arrival or, in case the Client makes a reservation at the Hotel reception, Casa da Granja will grant a room according to the desired category and according to availability at the time, with check-in starting at 3pm. In the event that payment has not yet been made, the Client must immediately proceed with payment for the entire stay. In the event that the check-in takes place after 6 pm, the Client must inform the reception in advance in order to guarantee the reservation. The Client must present personal identification documents upon check-in. This obligation extends to children.

On the date of departure, the Client must leave the room, leaving it free of people and without any damage, until 12 noon. In the event that the customer does not leave the room by 12 noon, a fee corresponding to a one-night stay will be automatically charged, I only have the right to use the room during this period if the hotel has room availability, otherwise you will have to pay anyway the fee and leave the room as soon as possible.

As a rule, the Accommodation can be used from 4:00 pm on the day of arrival and must be left free before 12:00 pm on the day of departure (in both cases, at the local time of the respective Hotel). Staying in the Accommodation beyond the time of departure practiced may lead to the payment of additional amounts, which are the sole responsibility of the Client.

Terms of Use
For a good use and functioning of the space, it is necessary to comply with the following Terms of Use:

Casa da Granja assumes that only the people indicated in the accommodation reservation will have the right to use the hotel room. It is strictly forbidden not to care for and respect the hotel spaces. The Client must respect other clients and the rules of good conduct imposed by Casa da Granja. The Customer is not authorized to use the reserved access areas. Children under 14 years of age must be accompanied by adults at all times of their stay. The Client is entirely responsible for the goods left at Casa da Granja, having the duty to supervise them during their stay. Pets are not allowed on the hotel premises.

Payment terms
The cost of the stay and prices for additional services must be paid in advance at the time the Client arrives at the hotel, regardless of the billing date.

Fees for additional services are identified, for example, with charges related to the car park and other charges that are not expressly mentioned in the accommodation contract that are part of the value of the stay.

Benefits, promotions and discounts
It is not possible to choose promotional programs/packages with an overlap of these. All rates are inclusive of VAT at the prevailing rate and are subject to limited availability.

Casa da Granja reserves the right to cancel and/or change the Benefits, Promotions and Discounts at any time.

Any notifications and communications from Casa da Granja to the User under the Terms of Use and Booking Conditions should preferably be made to the email address or address provided by the User in their User Account, without prejudice to Casa da Granja be able to use other elements and forms of contact.

Any notifications, communications and complaints from the User must be made, preferably, to the email [].
Complaints can also be made in

Personal data
When filling out the booking form, the Customer will be asked to provide certain data likely to identify him ("Personal Data"), which will be collected by Casa da Granja and processed by Casa da Granja, in strict compliance with the law and in accordance with the provisions of the Policy Site Privacy Statement.

General provisions
The General Conditions are only applicable to the reservation of services made through the Site, being a complement to any specific conditions agreed in writing between the Client and in relation to the object of the Contract or referred to in a specific area of the Site for a certain product or service, including the proof of reservation (“Specific Conditions”), which are also an integral part of the Contract.

The provisions of the Specific Conditions prevail, in case of conflict, over the General Conditions, prevailing over both any additional written stipulations specially agreed between the Client and Casa da Granja and signed by both, which form part of the Contract. Once the Contract is signed, it can only be amended in writing, by a document signed by the Client and Casa da Granja, which becomes an integral part of it.

The provisions of these General Conditions may be changed at any time by Casa da Granja for future legal relationships, without prior notice. As such, whenever you make a reservation, and even if you use the Site frequently, you should read them in full.

Conflict management
In case of consumer dispute, the consumer can use the European Online Dispute Resolution Platform, available at or alternative consumer dispute resolution entities.

For more information, see the Consumer Portal

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction
These Terms and Conditions are governed by Portuguese law and the resolution of any dispute arising from the interpretation and execution of these General Conditions will be subject to Portuguese law and courts.